Saturday, September 6, 2008
Saturday, August 16, 2008
George W. Bush: Comic-Book Villain?
Read Frank DiGiacomo on More Old Jewish Comedians.
George W. Bush: Comic-Book Villain?
Read Frank DiGiacomo on More Old Jewish Comedians.
McCain, Obama On 'Last Comic Standing'
Both John McCain and Barack Obama appeared tonight on the finale of NBC's "Last Comic Standing" reality show. Both tried their standup routines from a mock presidential podium.
Who was funnier? Leave your thoughts in the comments section below.
As Post TV Columnist Lisa de Moraes pointed out the other day, it seems that candidates are more willing than ever to appear on these shows to prove themselves human, or funny -- candidates see the need to be liked by voters. What started as the rare appearance on a late-night comedy show has become a parade of television appearances: Jon Stewart, Steven Colbert, Conan, Leno, Letterman, SNL...Lifetime's Army Wives. And there seems to be no end in sight. So stay tuned.
-- Ed O'Keefe
COMIC STRIP: Bush and China in competition in Beijing for hypocrisy
President Bush competes with China for hypocrisy at the Beijing Olympics. Bush scolds China for human rights abuses but ignores human rights abuses in the United States since Sept. 11, 2001.
Friday, August 1, 2008
From NBC's Mark Murray and Domenico MontanaroIn its latest TV ad hitting Obama, the McCain campaign calls Obama the "biggest celebrity in the world" -- and in the process shows clips of Britney Spears and Paris Hilton. The ad continues, "With gas prices soaring, Barack Obama says no to offshore drilling. And says he'll raise taxes on electricity. Higher taxes, more foreign oil, that's the real Obama."
On Morning Joe yesterday, McCain manager Rick Davis compared Obama to Paris Hilton. "Barack Obama has become a global celebrity," he said. "I mean, Barack Obama has more fans across the world than Paris Hilton does. I mean, it's just an extraordinary thing. And I don't think anybody would underestimate that."
Unlike its TV ad blasting Obama (falsely) over the Landstuhl controversy, which ran just a handful of times, this new ad, the campaign says, will be cycled into the campaign's buy on national cable and in Colorado, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Mexico, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Northern Virginia, and Wisconsin.
*** UPDATE *** Obama camp's response: “On a day when major news organizations across the country are taking Senator McCain to task for a steady stream of false, negative attacks, his campaign has launched yet another," Obama spokesman Tommy Vietor said. "Or, as some might say, ‘Oops! He did it again.’ Our dependence on foreign oil is one of the greatest challenges we face. In this election the American people have a real choice -- between Obama’s plan to provide tax rebates to American families while creating a renewable energy economy in America that frees us from our dependence on foreign oil, and Senator McCain’s plan to continue the same failed energy policies by handing out nearly $4 billion in tax breaks to oil companies while investing almost nothing in the new energy sources that represent our future."
Saturday, July 19, 2008
McCain keeps pushing the meme that the surge worked. What he doesn’t tell you about is the cease fire that the Sunnis and Shias put together last year. And he really doesn’t want to tell you the Bush Administration or the US Government didn’t have a thing to do with it. The clerics called a cease fire amongst themselves.
Just think of that for a minute. Here we have heaped tens of thousands of dead bodies onto the streets of Iraq, dumped trillions of dollars there and Bush could not control the city of Baghdad. But, ironically the Sunnis and Shias came together and stopped the shooting on their own with no help from us.
So what exactly is Obama going to learn? That is is damn hot? You can’t walk down the street without an armed escort of about 100 Marines, snipers and hovering gunships?
Maybe McCain knows something we don’t know? Maybe there is a very large secret that has been kept? Maybe Baghdad is full of purple unicorns and prancing forest creatures? If that is the case, how does that account for all the body bags coming back? You know, the ones that we cannot see.
So Obama is going to go to Baghdad and what do you think he will say? What will be the next slew of horseshit McCain will be shoveling when Obama comes back?
Remember, you don’t need to go to the sewage treatment plant to know it stinks.
Thursday, May 22, 2008
George W. Bush
This page covers the Marvel comicbook hero George W. Bush also known as Dubya , The Decider . If this is not the page you were looking for check here.
George Bush is the 43rd President of the United States of America. His father George W. H. Bush was the 41st President. He has owned companies, sporting, and his own ranch in Texas.
Born in New Haven, Connecticut, on July 6, 1946, Bush was the first child of George H. W. Bush and Barbara Bush. Bush attended Phillips Academy in Andover, Massachusetts. He enjoyed playing baseball and was the head cheerleader at an all boys school.
He trained and studied for the Air National Guard scoring a 25th percentile, the lowest passable grade. He then attended Harvard receiving his MBA and going into the Oil Business.
Although fictionally powerless, for the last eight years he has held a position as one of the most powerful men alive.
Supposedly due to 9/11, Bush has begun a "War on Terror," sending troops to Afganistan and Iraq.
Clinton-Obama Mud Fight Gets Dirty
Wednesday, March 26, 2008
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
It is a reality? This Big Ass is indeed?
Friday, March 14, 2008
Hospital Fired Up Over Britney
Britney Spears' health has caused a major headache at UCLA Medical Center.
The Los Angeles Times is reporting that at least 13 hospital employees are going to be fired and at least six others have been suspended for poking around in the pop star's confidential medical records. Six doctors are facing disciplinary action, as well.
"It's not only surprising, it's very frustrating, and it's very disappointing," Jeri Simpson, hospital director of human resources, told the paper. "I feel like we do everything that we possibly can to ensure the privacy of our patients, and I know we feel horrible that it happened again."
Echoing the sentiments of many, to be sure, she added, "I don't know what it is about this particular person. I don't know what it is about her."
This isn't the first time inquiring minds have wanted to know too much—several people were canned following the birth of Spears' son, Sean Preston, in September 2005, as well.
While the most noticeable obstacle to patient privacy was the horde of paparazzi that accompanied Spears and a phalanx of law enforcement to UCLA in the wee hours of Jan. 31, when she was admitted to the hospital's psych ward on a 72-hour hold for evaluation, it turns out it was the staff inside that needed reminding to keep their distance.
Spears was released Feb. 6, although doctors originally prescribed 14 days of bed rest.
Insiders have said it wasn't Spears' most recent stay that led to the pending disciplinary action, however, but rather a series of confidentiality breaches stemming from previous hospital visits.
When Spears was admitted to the facility Jan. 31, officials sent a memo to hospital staffers reminding them of their patient obligations.
"Each member of our workforce, which includes our physicians, faculty, employees, volunteers and students, is responsible to ensure that medical information is only accessed as required for treatment, for facilitating payment of a claim, or for supporting our healthcare operations," wrote chief compliance and privacy officer Carole A. Klove in an email obtained by the Times.
"We regularly monitor access to patient records, and in the event of an inappropriate access, we will investigate it, and if a violation is found, we will take appropriate action which can include termination," she said.
Meanwhile, union representatives are investigating to make sure the employees potentially on the chopping block are treated fairly.Is Britney Spears pregnant again?
Granted control of Britney Spears's fortune .... her father Jamie, right, pictured in a courtroom sketch with an unidentified family friend, Spears's mother Lynn and Commissioner Reva Goetz.
Photo: AP
It's either an overly-conspicuous baby bump or simply the result of too much junk food, but either way Britney Spears cut a lumpy figure during a recent Hollywood shopping spree.
Some have even speculated that Spears's rumoured child is the result of her relationship with on-off British paparazzo lover Adnan Ghalib.
The latest gossip - sparked after a March 5 Los Angeles shopping trip showed her in a tight-fitting white T-shirt with a bulging stomach and puffy face - comes after reports in British newspaper the Daily Mail that Spears had recently been seen at a Los Angeles medical centre.
That sparked rumours she may be pregnant, due to her shape, and came after February rumours in US magazines that she was expecting a baby with Ghalib.
The latest story in the Spears saga follows a Wednesday ruling that will see the 26-year-old singer's father, Jamie, retain control of her $100 million fortune for the next five months.
Superior Court spokesman Alan Parachini says Commissioner Reva Goetz extended Mr Spears's control until July 31.
Mr Spears was named as a co-conservator of the pop star's estate after she was hospitalised twice, but his temporary authority to handle her affairs was due to expire on March 10.
The court decision comes three weeks after Britney Spears's self-styled manager Sam Lutfi was served with a restraining order, commanding him to stay at least 250 metres away from the singer and barring him from communicating with her.
Spears, 26, has not seen her children Sean Preston and Jayden James since January 3 when she became agitated and was taken to hospital at the end of a court-monitored visit with them.
The two young boys live with their father, Kevin Federline.
The troubled singer also spent six days in a psychiatric unit in late January, early February.
She asked the court several times to reinstate her visitation rights, but her requests were rejected.
Her life in the past year has gone into a tailspin with spells in rehab, a head-shaving incident and a ridiculed comeback performance all captured by paparazzi photographers who track her 24 hours a day.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Is Condi Rice Secretly in Love With President Bush?
President Bush's "warrior princess" committed what may be the faux pas of the year at a recent Washington dinner party. Condoleezza Rice normally chooses her words with careful precision, which is why jaws dropped when she made a revealing slip of the tongue. Rice, who is unmarried, was reportedly overheard saying, "As I was telling my husb—" before abruptly stopping herself. She continued: "As I was telling President Bush."
An Obama Knick-Knack
Slowly but surely, the Obama industry is ramping up. First, the instabook. Now, the eBay art.
"This is an original work of art created by world famous comic artist Eugenio A. Perez, Jr.," says the item's description. (Perez's fame doesn't seem to have reached Google.) "Note the Obama For President 2008 logo on the belt buckle."
Bidding starts at $300.
The Big Valley Girl Meets L'il Abner in The Matrix
I like to have a little fun with mash-ups in the actual cartoon as well as the post titles. What does The Big Valley have to do with any of this? Absolutely nothing, except some curious Barney will stumble here wanting to know what Zencomix has to say about The Big Valley. Yup, that ought to drive traffic up! Maybe not as much as say..."Britney's sister's shaved pussy meets L'il Abner In The Matrix", but that's a cartoon for another day.
And as ye walk through the shadow of the Valley of The Shmoon, ye shall fear no weasel dust.
As Zappadan comes to a close, I just wanted to say thanks to all who participated, commented, and linked.
Does Hillary have Botox Poisoning?
Call me stupid if you like, but when Hillary wins a state, her face lights up like a gerbils and her cheeks are like apples. However, a couple of days later she is looking really bad.
Is it just me, or is Hillary Clinton suffering from Botox poisoning? I hope her doctors are keeping an eye on this one….
Barack Obama: Harry Potter Fanboy?!
The more I get to know about Barack Obama the more I like him:
"Democratic presidential hopeful Barack Obama is the "Harry Potter parent" who has read all six books about the boy wizard's adventures with his older daughter, his wife said Wednesday. In an interview with The Associated Press, Michelle Obama said her husband has read the books aloud with 9-year-old Malia and saw the latest movie, "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix," with her last Sunday.
Both are awaiting the release of J.K. Rowling's seventh and final book in the series, "Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows," this weekend, but finding time to read won't be easy, she said. "The challenge will be scheduling Harry Potter reading time in between Iowa and New Hampshire and fundraising, but I guarantee you they will figure out a way to do it," Michelle Obama told the AP. "Harry Potter is huge in our house"."